This site has everything you need to know to write with rhyme and meter.

While there are some excellent blogs and books about using rhyme and meter, this site breaks down rhyme and meter in a way that is image-based with very minimal text.  This makes both concepts easy to understand in a short period of time. I know which rules you can break and which ones you shouldn’t.  But more importantly, I can tell you the rules, not the myths that get passed around the water coolers.

RhymeWeaver is a pretty big site, but you don’t need to ingest it all in one sitting.  Take a lesson or two at a time.  Mull it over.  Then come back. This site is not a blog, so the information will be in exactly the same place every time you visit. Below are links to articles about RhymeWeaver.

SCBWI: The BLOG by Lee Wind

Tara Lazar’s Writing for Kids 

April Wayland on Author Amok

The Palm Beach Post

And thanks to Jo Deardon, Melanie Ellsworth, Penny Klostermann, William Peery, Leslie Gorin and Dawn Young who have pointed out mistakes or made suggestions so far.  Also, I might have missed someone who helped with typos, please remind me if I’ve missed you.